Manual of UNU Editorial Style – Table of Contents

UNU Manual of Editing and Writing Style — Table of Contents

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |

Editorial Manual — Introduction

Introducing the new Manual of UNU Editorial Style.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |

Writing & Editing – General Guidelines

Some general editorial guidance and best practices.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |


Spelling guidelines.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 | ,

Organisational Names & Acronyms

Rules for writing common UNU system names and acronyms.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 | ,


How to use and punctuate acronyms, contractions and suspensions.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 | ,


Tips on capitalisation: job titles, academic degrees, government units

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |


Advice on how to punctuate properly.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |


Tips on handling quotations

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |

Numbers, Dates & Times

Tips on writing whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percentages, dates, and time.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |

UNU Institute Logos: Download

Access to all institute logo artwork and descriptions of the data formats provided.

Visual Identity | 21 April 2015 | ,

The UNU Logo: Download

Access to UNU logo artwork and descriptions of the data formats provided.

Visual Identity | 21 April 2015 | ,

UNU Institute Logo Basics

A description of UNU's institute logo and basic usage guidelines.

Visual Identity | 8 April 2015 | ,

UNU Logo Basics

A description of the UNU logo and basic usage guidelines.

Visual Identity | 8 April 2015 | ,

History & Introduction

Background information on the development path of UNU's visual identity.

Visual Identity | 8 April 2015 |

Getting Started

Notes and guidelines on using the visual identity information and assets.

Visual Identity | 8 April 2015 | ,

UN 70th Anniversary Logo

Usage guidelines and artwork for the UN 70th anniversary logo.

Visual Identity | 4 February 2015 | ,