UNU Logo Basics

Visual Identity

A description of the UNU logo and basic usage guidelines.

The United Nations University logo is the most basic and recognizable visual element of the UNU identity. It is the visual focus for our brand and communicates who we are, and how we both align and differentiate ourselves from our peers.

UNU Logo Elements
Elements of the UNU logo.

The UNU logo contains three unique elements: the (1) UN symbol, the (2) UNU symbol, and the (3) UNU logotype. These elements, along with a thin vertical separator between the symbols, have been carefully positioned to comprise the UNU logo.

UNU Logo Suite

The UNU logo suite consists of four unique versions: 1-Colour Black, 1-Colour White, 2-Colour, and 3-Colour.

UNU logo suite

The (1) 1-Colour Black and (2) 1-Colour White versions are all black and all white respectively. The (3) 2-Colour version is mostly of black, with the UNU symbol appearing in UNU Red. The (4) 3-Colour version is partially black, with the UN symbol appearing in UNU Blue and the UNU symbol appearing in UNU Red.

Selecting a Version

The 1-Colour Black version is considered to be the standard, and useful in most instances where the UNU logo is applicable. The 1-Colour White version is used on dark or photographic backgrounds (such as full-colour posters or video watermarks); when deciding between the black or white option, use the version providing the the most contrast and visibility.

The 2-Colour and 3-Colour versions are useful when a note of colour is needed or desired. These versions should be used on white or very light backgrounds only; versions for dark backgrounds do not exist.

Incorrect Use

Correct and consistent use of the UNU logo is an essential part of building brand equity. UNU’s visual identity system allows for a great deal of flexibility, but care should be taken with the UNU logo – always use approved and provided artwork. Following are examples of incorrect use of the UNU logo.

UNU incorrect logo use
Examples of incorrect UNU logo use.

When using the UNU logo, be sure not to (1) rearrange or resize any of the elements, (2) apply lighting effects or any stylistic adjustments, (3) change any color values or width/height ratio, (4) adjust or replace the logotype, (5) add additional art or information, or (6) place the logo on visually distracting backgrounds.

Proper Placement

When using the UNU logo on communications collateral such as event posters, informational brochures or screen presentations, some simple guidelines apply.

UNU logo proper placement
UNU logo placement options.

On a (1) web page, printed document or poster, the natural placement locations are the four corners. In situations when the top of the page/document makes this visually unappealing (e.g., a title which makes the logo feel redundant, or a page design with no natural logo placement location), the base of the document is a common and effective alternative.

For (2) screen presentations such as Keynote or PowerPoint, the UNU logo is an effective way to start and end a presentation. In this instance, placing the UNU logo above the horizontal centre is recommended. This leaves a natural place for an introduction and/or closing message below (presenter name or website URL, for example).

Partnership Uses

When providing the UNU logo to partner organizations (for a co-organized event announcement or other similar arrangement), the above placement guidelines apply. The UNU logo should appear with the same visual weight as other logos on the product. In general, most logos are unique in size and shape, and resizing artwork to have a common height or width often leads to visual imbalances and should be avoided. Ensure the UNU logo meets these guidelines before providing print approval.

Similarly, when placing a partner logo onto a UNU publication or product, it is important to inquire with the project contact about their logo usage guidelines upon receipt, and offer a digital comp before printing.

Download the UNU Logo Suite

To download the UNU logo suite, visit the UNU logo download post. Note that a UNU network username and password is required to download this and all other resources on this website.
