UNU Editorial Team

Our aim is to build trust with each focal point on the editorial site and empower them to make use of the website as much as possible with the quality assurance of the editorial team.

Every focal point has access to enter informations about Faculty members, Events and Courses. Before each focal point is able to enter these infos, they receive a training (mostly via Skype) on the Wordpress backend structure and functionality's as well as how to enter content.

The user role allows the initial entering of content and afterwards he or she press the button saying "Submit for Review". Afterwards, the user writes a short notice requesting a check on the content via the Flow Interface at the bottom of the page and checkmarks the user "editor" before sending the message. Somebody from the editorial team will check the item and publish it or will go in revision with the focal point.

The focal point is able to change the item and make updates. Afterwards he or she sends a notification in the flow system to "editor" asking for revision of the updated content. Due the current system configuration, this needs to be done on courtesy of the focal point to guarantee the quality of the content.

News, Research Programs and the permanent informations about the institutes are required to be send to "editor@unu.edu" for revision and publishing. All HR matters and content to be entered on Vacancy Announcements are handled by the HR department in Kuala Lumpur.


Manual of UNU Editorial Style – Table of Contents

UNU Manual of Editing and Writing Style — Table of Contents

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |

Editorial Manual — Introduction

Introducing the new Manual of UNU Editorial Style.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |

Writing & Editing – General Guidelines

Some general editorial guidance and best practices.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |


Spelling guidelines.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 | ,

Organisational Names & Acronyms

Rules for writing common UNU system names and acronyms.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 | ,


How to use and punctuate acronyms, contractions and suspensions.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 | ,


Tips on capitalisation: job titles, academic degrees, government units

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |


Advice on how to punctuate properly.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |


Tips on handling quotations

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |

Numbers, Dates & Times

Tips on writing whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percentages, dates, and time.

Editorial Style | 8 June 2015 |